
Here is how you can enquiry UI information. The below example is trying to get a dropdown options count info from a dropdown UI.

Step 1 :

Create an empty scene with any name of your liking and open the scene.

Step 2 : Adding necessary scene game objects for this exercise.

Go to the Prefabs folder inside path UIs/Essential and drag ChessGameObjectBase prefab into the scene hierachy.

Then, create a canvas and drag the dropdown prefab located inside Base folder of path Prefabs/UIs/Dropdown into the canvas. Or create a legacy dropdown of your own on the scene, the dropdown prefab is actually the same as legacy dropdown.

Step 3 :

Copy code below to ChessEnquiryManager.cs located in Scripts/Main/Communicators folder

    public delegate int TotalDropdownOptionCount();
    public static event TotalDropdownOptionCount EnquiryTotalDropdownOptionCount;
    public static int GetTotalDropdownOptionCount()
        var hasValue = EnquiryTotalDropdownOptionCount?.Invoke();

        if (hasValue != null)
            return (int)hasValue;
            throw new System.NullReferenceException(GenerateErrorMessage(typeof(TotalDropdownOptionCount).Name));

Step 4 :

Create a C# script in the path Scripts/Main/UIs/Dropdowns named DummyDropdown.cs and copy the code below into it. The GetOptionsCount() function is from the base class, getting the number of dropdown options currently the dropdown have.

namespace TheChess
    public class DummyDropdown : ChessDropdownUI
        protected override void Subscribes()
            ChessEnquiryManager.EnquiryTotalDropdownOptionCount += GetOptionsCount;
        protected override void Unsubscribes()
            ChessEnquiryManager.EnquiryTotalDropdownOptionCount -= GetOptionsCount;

Step 5 :

The code below can be called in any GUI script to get the number of dropdown options.


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