Time AI

Add Coroutine To AI

The default behaviour of AI is execute immediately when it's on their turn. However, a delay, before they starts their calculation can be done through steps below.

Steps 1 - Remove unnecessary code

In ChessGameAIGUI script, there are numerous line of code contains macro #if (UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR), uncomment or remove them entirely. Do the same for the content inside the #else statement, if there's any. In the end, what remains will be those code within the if statement.

*EXCEPT those macro in RequestAIMove() function, just don't do this step in the function, otherwise, screen will freeze while AI is calculating.

Steps 2 - Migrate code to next steps

In the RequestAIMove() function, remove the line AITurnEffect(isAIMoving);

Steps 3 - Making the request to AI move function a timed coroutine

In the IEnumerator AITurn() function, the code within should become something like

        //Letting AI turn effect starts spinning before AI starts it's calculation

        //The seconds should be the time to delay AI before it starts calculation
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds); 


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