Answer :

Under TilesEffectManager.cs, in the LightUpTile(int, ChessSquare[]) function, add two of the suggested lines of code

        if (squares.Length > 0)
            foreach (ChessSquare square in squares)

            tilesChangedColor[currentTargetTileIndex] = originalColor;//Add this line
            ChangeTileColor(currentTargetTileIndex, legalMoveColor);//Add this line

And also do the same in the LightUpNonCurrentTurnTile(int, ChessSquare[]) function

        if (squares.Length > 0)
            foreach (ChessSquare square in squares)

            tilesChangedColor[currentTargetTileIndex] = originalColor;//Add this line
            ChangeTileColor(currentTargetTileIndex, illegalMoveColor);//Add this line

Additionally, for multitouch(Two Player) scene to work the same, under MultiControlTilesEffectManager.cs, in the LightUpTile(int, ChessSquare[]) function

        if (squares.Length > 0)
            foreach (ChessSquare square in squares)

            tilesChangedColor[currentTargetTileIndex] = Color.green;//Add this line
            ChangeTileColor(currentTargetTileIndex, Color.green);//Add this line

Subsequently, in LightUpNonCurrentTurnTile(int, ChessSquare[]) function

        if (squares.Length > 0)
            foreach (ChessSquare square in squares)

            nonCurrentTurnTilesChangedColor[currentTargetTileIndex] = Color.red;//Add this line
            ChangeTileColor(currentTargetTileIndex, Color.red);//Add this line

2) Highlight associated tiles while king being checked on moves.

Answers :

Under ChessBaseGUI.cs, in OnControllerActionEnded() function, add below lines

        if (IfKingChecked())//Add this line
                ChessEventManager.InvokeIndicateCheckingKingEvent();//Add this line

        return hasControllerActionEnded;

For tiles being highlighted while AI is checking king, under ChessGameAIGUI.cs, in ThreadedSearch(object) function, add few lines

        if (move != null)
            ChessMove m = (ChessMove)move;
            UnityThread.ExecuteInLateUpdate(() =>
                if (IfKingChecked())//Add this line
                    ReturnPieceToOriginalPosition(controller.SelectedPiece);//Add this line
                    ChessEventManager.InvokeIndicateCheckingKingEvent();//Add this line

In order to change what tile color to display on checking king, find the IndicateCheckingKingSquares() function under ChessGameBaseGUI.cs, change the Color.black or Color.red to any preference.

The ChessEventManager.InvokeIndicateCheckingKingEvent() is equivalent to clicking Check King button.

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